The first three months for Mystic Waters Media have been exciting and busy. What started as an idea in the fall of 2012 is now blossoming into fruition. There are lots of updates to share regarding the developments here at this young company, so please read on to learn more.
First, it should be noted that our team has grown! We have two students performing as interns and helping with a variety of different tasks internally. Jacob Szemanski and Kurtis Iseminger are blogging regularly and assisting in the development of a promotional document titled "Using Social Media". We hope to complete it in the coming weeks. Look for their blog entries on Duneland Innovators. This is an in house web project based on reporting interesting developments in business, technology, academia and more from right here along the shore of Lake Michigan.
This business provides a number our clients with web designs, social media campaigns and other digi-services. In the last three months we have helped launch new websites for a number of business throughout Chicagoland.
Thank you to everyone that has given this new business an opportunity! We have many more announcements in the coming weeks as projects come online. If you require marketing or promotional services on the web for your small business please This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..